Saturday 6 April 2013

(^__^) Mood kekurangan untuk Hang-Out kat Luar .. *Time cruel*

Assalamualaikum korang .... korang buat ape Weekend ahad nie .?? Iera tak ada mood lah nak keluar or pergi jalan-2 dgn kawan ..Iera lebih suka stay kat rumah , dengar lagu sambil update blog ... haha .. tu lagi FUN dari Hang-Out ...
Hari nie , memang tak ada mood langsung nak tunjukkan diri kat luar sebab Iera nak lepak kat dalam rumah je .. Cause ,, Tomorrow Is School ... OMG ..!! Time is past s0 fast ..? Can't your imagine that .?? I want rest for Awhile at home but Time not allowed me to do that ... Time is s0 Cruel ..!! huhu ...
WHY!!!?? But . i don't mind .. I like school .. I like to study n learn.. N The most I like is Meet My Friends .. hahaha .. 99% students like to go to school for meet their friends right?? As same as I .. haha ..
Oke .. That's all for today ..
I want to rest My Mind .. See you Guys in another day ...
~~X0X0 guys ~~ ...
tata .. and Bubye .. Don't forget do your homework k .. haha ..

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